Wednesday, December 24, 2008

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AG finishes strong tops Lompoc at Paisola The Lompoc Record Retired educators enjoy annual Christmas program Pensacola News Journal

Wed, 24 Dec 2008 22:07:38 +0000
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Unfortunately for the Braves the Arroyo Grande Eagles were hot at the end. The Eagles defeated the Braves in a boys basketball game which opened the season on Bryan Ayer Court in Paisola Pavilion in Lompoc on Tuesday night. Advertisement Tyler Marsden scored eight of his team high points in the fourth quarter to lead the Eagles to victory. The final two points came on free throws with six seconds remaining in the fourth quarter to put the game out of reach. Arroyo Grande scored the first two baskets of the game but it took over a minute and a half to get the first one. At Kevin Hitchen hit the first basket of the game off an offensive rebound. The Eagles held the lead until Tanner Hinek made a lay up at . Lompoc s Trae Vernon finally put his team on the board with a baseline jumper at then gave the Braves a lead just seconds later with a pointer. The Eagles answered back with six points and led after one quarter . Fouls then got Arroyo Grande in trouble during the second quarter. The Eagles sent the Braves to the line times and Lompoc hit taking a lead at the half. Three AG starters had three fouls each at the break. Vernon had points for Lompoc. Besides Vernon only Jordan O Byrne and Jake Morehart hit baskets for Lompoc in the first half. Arroyo Grande took several point shots in the first half and only Andrew Hogue made one but in the third quarter they started to fall. Kevin Hitchen hit two and Matt McAustin added one as Arroyo Grande stayed in the game matching Lompoc s points. Vernon added points in the third quarter and Morehart hit the only other basket. After going of from the free throw line in the third quarter O Byrne was of overall. In the fourth quarter Marsden started to find a seam in the Lompoc zone defense and was able to drive to the basket. His three baskets in the fourth quarter were right under the basket. Hitchen found some room to work and was fouled several times underneath completing a traditional three point play and hitting two more free throws. Zak Powell got a pair of offensive rebounds for the Braves and scored twice in the fourth quarter for his first points of the game. After trailing throughout the entire second half and through most of the second quarter the Eagles finally regained the lead at when Marsden took an inbound pass and hit a layup. Arroyo Grande was finally able to slow Vernon down and he was only able to score one basket in the fourth quarter. With Arroyo Grande holding a three point lead and with less than seconds remaining O Byrne was fouled while attempting a pointer but was only able to hit two of the free throws pulling the Braves to within . After trying to steal the ball as the Eagles brought the ball up the court the Braves were forced to foul. Bobby Collins grabbed Hitchen in the corner with a bear hug but it was called an intentional foul. Hitchen hit the fouls making the score and the Eagles retained possession. On the inbound pass Lompoc fouled again. The first free throw was missed on a one on one but the Eagles grabbed the rebound and Marsden sank the last two points from the charity stripe. After Marsden s points Hitchen followed with . Vernon ended the night with the points and O Byrne added . Cabrillo Nipomo Cabrillo took the season opener in a tightly contested game. David Terrones scored points to lead the Conqs while Terrance Phillips had . Balfour Brown and Arjun Ayyar had eight apiece. Cabrillo is next at the Nordhoff Tournament today. Girls basketball Nipomo Cabrillo Danielle Kichler had the big night for the Titans scoring points in the season opener win over the Conqs. The Conqs were paced by guard Ashley Bonenfant who finished with points. Outside of Bonenfant and Paige Hurlbut seven other Conqs split the scoring with two points each. Arroyo Grande Lompoc The Eagles pulled away early in this non league season opener out scoring the visitors in the first quarter. Sarah Caywood and Jenna Sverchek led the victorious defending PAC League champions with points each. Amanda Cromp led Lompoc with nine points. December MORE SPORTS NEWS Working toward league Around the Lompoc Valley The LPL honor roll Gymnastics North does well in Nipomo Round to the Braves Village CC awards scholarship to Naughton RELATED STORIES relatedheadlines SEARCHARTICLEARCHIVES Advanced Search Lompoc Record Santa Maria Times Times Press Recorder Adobe Press Santa Ynez Valley News El Tiempo Spanish French German Translate to another language Lee Central Coast Newspapers Santa Maria Times Lompoc Record Times Press Recorder Adobe Press Santa Ynez Valley News El Tiempo Letter to the Editor Comment about Website Contact The Lompoc Record Main Phone Copyright Lee Central Coast Newspapers. All Rights Reserved. All Lee Central Coast Newspapers pages are designed for Firefox . and Internet Explorer or with screen resolutions set at x or higher. Click here for our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use applicable to this site. P lten . C Heute leichter Schneefall und Schneeregen k lter DO . . Verkehr . . Sperren und Bauarbeiten auf der A Ab Samstag wird auf der A nach sieben Monate andauernden Bauarbeiten die Sperre der Abfahrt Korneuburg West wieder aufgehoben. Gleichzeitig wird die Auffahrt Korneuburg West in Fahrtrichtung Stockerau bis Ende gesperrt. K nftige S West an die A angeschlossen Projekt Y hei t das Bauprojekt weswegen es am Knoten Stockerau immer wieder zu l ngeren Sperren und Umbauarbeiten kommt. Bei diesem Projekt wird die k nftige S West an die A angeschlossen. Ab Samstag ist die Sperre der Abfahrt Korneuburg West zwar planm ig wieder aufgehoben aber die Auffahrt Korneuburg West ist ab heute bis Ende gesperrt. Gro r umige Umleitung ab Ernstbrunn. Projekt Y soll bis fertig sein Ausweichen kann man ber eine gro r umige Umleitung die ab Ernstbrunn zu den Auffahrten Stockerau Ost oder Korneuburg Ost f hrt. Die Auffahrt in Richtung Wien wird zwar auch umgebaut durch eine provisorische Fahrrampe bleibt die Auffahrt in Richtung Wien aber erhalten. Durch diese Ma nahme wird die Behinderung f r die Verkehrsteilnehmer so gering wie m glich gehalten sagt Georg Kichler von der Asfinag. Im Februar soll die Anbindung der S an die A schlussendlich fertiggestellt sein. Asfinag Die Foren sind allgemein zug ngliche offene und demokratische Diskursplattformen. Bitte bleiben Sie sachlich und bem hen Sie sich um eine faire und freundliche Diskussionsatmosph re. Die Redaktion bernimmt keinerlei Verantwortung f r den Inhalt der Beitr ge beh lt sich aber das Recht vor krass unsachliche rechtswidrige oder moralisch bedenkliche Beitr ge sowie Beitr ge die dem Ansehen des Mediums schaden zu l schen und n tigenfalls User aus der Debatte auszuschlie en. Sie als Verfasser haften f r s mtliche von Ihnen ver ffentlichte Beitr ge selbst und k nnen daf r auch gerichtlich zur Verantwortung gezogen werden. Beachten Sie daher bitte dass auch die freie Meinungs u erung im Internet den Schranken des geltenden Rechts insbesondere des Strafgesetzbuches ble Nachrede Ehrenbeleidigung etc. und des Verbotsgesetzes unterliegt. Die Redaktion beh lt sich vor strafrechtlich relevante Tatbest nde gegebenenfalls den zust ndigen Beh rden zur Kenntnis zu bringen. Die Registrierungsbedingungen sind zu akzeptieren und einzuhalten ebenso Chatiquette und Netiquette bersicht alle ORF Angebote auf einen Blick See instructions for fixing the problem. Retired educators enjoy annual Christmas program Donna Freckmann Town Talk December Print this page E mail this article Share Facebook Digg Reddit Newsvine The Escambia Retired Educators Association s monthly meeting and annual Christ mas program will be at a.m. today at the Escam bia Educa tion Asso ciation office N. Palafox St. Appearing before the group for the first time will be the Children s Chorus of N.B. Cook Elementary School of the Arts. The chorus is comprised of third fourth and fifth grade students under the direction of Dr. Pam Elliott. Forty two children will present musical entertainment showcasing their talents. Two students from the chorus have been selected to represent Northwest Florida in the select All State Honors Chorus in Tampa in January . Members will also continue their annual practice of bringing hundreds of gift wrapped Christmas presents for the residents of Rosewood Manor and Consulate Nursing Homes. Martha Hopkins EREA Community Service Chairperson will deliver the gifts to the nursing homes where they will help brighten the spirits of the residents. NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT WEEK OBSERVANCE The Beta Omicron Chapter No. of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. of Pensacola recently had its National Achievement Week Observance at Talbot Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church the Rev. L.A. Jackson pastor. The guest speaker was Walter Gulley Jr. head of the social studies department of B.T. Washington Sr. High School. He is the founder of the B. T. Washington s Ladies and Gents Service Club for blacck students and the Groits a black history brain bowl team that has won five state titles in a row. Achievement Week is the fraternity s celebration of the accomplishments of outstanding black Americans. Dr. John Veasley a retired dentist was the chairman of the committee. and worked with Wallace Haywood and Raymond Simmons Jr. Members receiving awards for outstanding service in were Vin Durant Atta Boy Award Lynn Cade III Basileus Omega Man of the Year Veasley Sustained Superior Service Award Monroe J. Watley Jr. former manager of Albertson s on Ninth Avenue Citizen of the Year Gulley Jr. Speaker s Award Dr. Lamont Canada th Year of Service and Jesse Bobbitt th Year of Service. Marion Williams presented the service awards while Simmons presented the Speaker s Award. Talbot Chapel will be presented a check for for its scholarship program by Beta Omicron at a later date. CONTEST WINNERS ANNOUNCED The Downtown Retail Council announced the winners of its Holiday Window Decorating Contest. Fifteen Pensacola businesses entered the contest to help put shoppers and diners in a festive mood as they take advantage of places to eat and shop in downtown Pensacola this holiday season. The winners are Reynalds Music House Garden and Jefferson Streets Most Beautiful Window Ever man Co op W. Garden St. Merriest Storefront and Will Call Sports Bar Grille S. Palafox Place Best Balcony. All are invited to visit downtown and enjoy the lights and displays. OKTOBERFEST CELEBRATION The Pensacola Symphony Orchestra Guild recently had an Oktoberfest celebration at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Nat Rickoff. It was a lively affair with German oompah pa music provided by Bob Mattus. Guests gathered in the dining room to enjoy authentic German food prepared by Guild members. Chairwomen for the event were Clara Wimberly and Linda Pallin. Assisting were Mary Catherine Hinton Guild president Fran Terrell Dian Moore Sue Penfold Sue Flanders Veronica Greskovich Marianne Luhrs Cookie Kichler and Carol Dell. Bartenders Andrew Hinton and Milton Usry served German beers and wines. The evening was enhanced by the arrival of appropriately costumed guests in their finest German attire including Sheila and Clem Barfield and Philip and Linda Balink White. Send e mails to Donna Freckmann at or write to Town Talk Pensacola News Journal P.O. Box Pensacola FL . 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